MiTravel Tutorial: Introducing Location Cards

published on 08 April 2022

To get started, first create a list of locations you want to potentially visit.

All you have to do is search it up in the destination and activity browser and add it to your Planning Board. Even if you aren't familiar with the area, MiTravel can help you out!

Simply type into the search browser any keywords (eg: barbeque, hiking) and our Explore Tab will pop up plenty of locations for you to explore. 

MiTravel’s built-in browser allows you to search up any place you’re interested in, from local attractions, restaurants, to landmarks, and add as many location cards as you want.   
MiTravel’s built-in browser allows you to search up any place you’re interested in, from local attractions, restaurants, to landmarks, and add as many location cards as you want.   

Location Cards are the backbone of your planning board.

With the Explore Tab, you can search up attractions, accommodations, restaurants, practically anything, and have it saved to your Planning Board later as Location Cards.

MiTravel will then show you all the relevant information you’ll need, such as:

  • Location ratings
  • Map view
  • Hours of operation
  • Photos
  • Contact information
Click on a location to see their rating, photos, address, contact information, hours of operation, and a link to their website.
Click on a location to see their rating, photos, address, contact information, hours of operation, and a link to their website.

How MiTravel Reimagines the Travel Planning Experience

All of MiTravel's innovative features remove the hassle from importing new documents to researching every new location and flooding your files.

With MiTravel, you can view all your location cards straight from the Planning Board and access all the relevant information you need without having to open up any new tabs.

Keeping all the planning together in one place easily lets you check on what your group is interested in.

The Planning Board let's you visualize your entire trip and plan collaboratively with your group.
The Planning Board let's you visualize your entire trip and plan collaboratively with your group.

Travelling can create experiences that last a lifetime, but as travel enthusiasts ourselves, we know that it all begins with planning!

Color Code Your Location Cards

When you hover over a card, you’ll see that there are many options on the bottom. Here, you can change the header color to color code your location cards however you want.

On my Planning Board, I've colour-coded restaurants as
On my Planning Board, I've colour-coded restaurants as "red", landmarks are "blue", tourist attractions as "green", shows as "yellow", and bars as "purple".

The possibilities are endless! You could have each color represent the plans for a given day, organize the location cards by the activity, or have each person label their location cards with their unique color! 

How to Use Tags

Additionally, you can also add tags to categorize your location cards and filter through them.

One example is applying the
One example is applying the "Restaurant" filter to all the restaurants you've tagged.

You can also tag people to show who will be joining a particular activity, set a time to schedule the location card, attach any additional files you want, and write notes to share your thoughts.

You can edit the Location Card to add further information. For example, make changes to date/time, include tags, upload file(s), write notes for your group to see, and more. 
You can edit the Location Card to add further information. For example, make changes to date/time, include tags, upload file(s), write notes for your group to see, and more. 

Deleting Location Cards

And in case you change your mind, you can click on the garbage icon at the bottom to remove the location card. 

Hover your mouse over the location card you wish to delete and click on the garbage icon that appears.
Hover your mouse over the location card you wish to delete and click on the garbage icon that appears.

Why Choose MiTravel Over Spreadsheets

Instead of using spreadsheets and inefficient tables like you might have before, MiTravel allows you to visualize your planning and efficiently collaborate amongst your group!

An actual travel plan between my friends and I before using MiTravel (left) compared with the MiTravel Planning Board (right)
An actual travel plan between my friends and I before using MiTravel (left) compared with the MiTravel Planning Board (right)

Happy Planning!

The possibilities are endless, so start planning and create your trip Planning Board today!

These are only ideas we had, but MiTravel allows you to personalize your Planning Board however your group sees fit.  So create your account today and start planning your next trip!

If you have any questions or require assistance during onboarding, please reach us at

If you want to learn more travel planning tips and hacks visit our Resources Library or YouTube channel. Stay updated with any social media or new features by following our socials down below.

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