7 Ways to Make Travelling with Kids Less Stressful

published on 16 September 2022
Photo taken by Susanne Jutzeler, suju-foto  on Pexels
Photo taken by Susanne Jutzeler, suju-foto  on Pexels

The summer has arrived, and you can't wait to go on a long-deserved vacation. Summertime is definitely a season when you can take a break from your responsibilities, kick back, and finally relax. However, if you are a parent, you surely know how stressful it can be to deal with a family trip organization. In most cases, you have to plan for every minute of the trip to ensure everything goes smoothly. So, all the itinerary planning, cutting down expenses, and keeping your kids entertained and well-fed can get you all riled up, making the whole endeavour too stressful to enjoy properly. For this reason, we'll discuss seven ways you can make travelling with kids less stressful.

Whether travelling with your friends and their kids or with your family to a summer resort, the biggest challenge is to keep the kids animated throughout the journey. So, whether travelling by plane or going on a road trip, it can be a lifesaver to anticipate everything and prepare for it. However, going into the endeavour without a definite plan can be a mistake that can cost you a lot of money and, of course, nerves.

Bring Enough Snacks

A mistake young parents might make when travelling with kids involves planning the food supplies. For instance, you may intend to eat lunch during breaks you make at hotels and gas stops. This kind of thinking is alright when you are an adult. It is relatively easy for you to withhold your hunger. However, kids might not have the same kind of patience. Therefore, making 1-2 sandwiches or bringing some chips or sweets with you can be a true lifesaver. You will be able to appease your child until you bump into a restaurant where you can eat properly.

Photo taken by Nastya Korenkova on Pexels
Photo taken by Nastya Korenkova on Pexels

The same applies regardless of the length of the trip you plan to take. Even if you travel by airplane, your kid might get agitated and upset because they are hungry. And since you can't really have a feast in an airport, some backup food will come in handy.

Make Your Kids Eat Healthily

Another piece of advice: even though candy bars and ice cream make for a great negotiating tool, it is helpful to have some healthy alternatives to minimize sugar crashes and temper tantrums. For instance, whole-wheat snacks are a much better option than eating a burger at a fast food joint on the highway. Furthermore, if you prepare the meals yourself, you will save money by avoiding paying for expensive restaurant food.

Preparing Kids for Flying 

Some kids might be delighted to get the opportunity to enter a plane and have the whole airport experience. Others might be absolutely confused or terrified of the prospect. Hence, it helps to talk your kids through the entire process so that they are well-prepared for airport procedures.

You can do this by introducing an airport-themed picture book or cartoon that depicts what travelling with a plane looks like. For instance, you can watch an episode of Modern Family to segue your child into airplane travel in an entertaining way. So, plan your travel activities to keep them motivated. And who knows, you might even instigate interest in airplanes in your kid.

Bring Distraction

Another helpful strategy is to bring something that can keep your kids occupied in waiting for lines, such as their favourite plush toy or a Tamagochi toy. Another way to keep your kids entertained is to download their favourite movie or TV show before the trip so that they can watch it if you need them to be calm. You can keep your eyes on the road safely if your kids are animated in the car.

Photo is taken by Lina Kivaka on Pexels
Photo is taken by Lina Kivaka on Pexels

Make a Game Out of Planning

And when it comes to packing for the trip, you can cut back on stress by making a fun sorting game. Or, if you have more kids, you can make packing fun by turning it into a competition. Just make sure you check what they are packing. For example, you might want to avoid opening up their suitcase at the hotel only to find they packed their entire collection of dinosaur toys instead of their clothes. 

If you are packing for a move, you can use the same strategy and engage your kids in the process. However, if your kids are too young or disruptive, you can always contact a professional moving company that can help you out instead. These time-saving packing hacks will make it more efficient, especially if you have to relocate under a time constraint.

If you are travelling with your baby or a toddler, make sure you pack a change of clothes that is easy to reach. Also, you can ask the airport personnel if they have something like a car-shaped stroller or walker that can get you through the terminal as quickly as possible.

Photo is taken by Connor Danylenko on Pexels
Photo is taken by Connor Danylenko on Pexels

Don't Restrict Their Mobile Phone Use

You can let your kids get some break from their routine to make travelling with kids less stressful. Just make sure you charge the devices before the trip. Also, it makes sense to download their favourite apps before you leave to reduce mobile data usage. Admittedly, many parents dislike their children spending too much time playing video games or checking out social media. But, this can be an exception you can allow on a trip. It is a vacation, after all.

Happy Planning!

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